What Teachers and Administrators are Saying
“The Legislative Semester has transformed my approach to teaching all of my other classes. ”
“The Legislative Semester truly revolutionized our teaching of civics and benefited the hundreds of students who learned by way of the program.”
“I would say that in 29 years of education I can think of no pedagogical strategy or approach to instruction that on a consistent basis has provided a forum and basis for such high levels of interest, enthusiasm, and passion for learning. Students are transformed into active, enthusiastic, and passionate participants who do not cease in attempting to persuade or dissuade their peers when the bell rings and the class is dismissed. This strong desire to continue the repartee continues long after the class ends. Students are genuinely challenged to reflect on their beliefs, re-examine their positions, and grow intellectually and emotionally.”
“During my first three years of teaching, I taught government in a fairly traditional manner. While I incorporated interesting discussions, projects, and cooperative learning activities, it was disheartening knowing students dreaded taking the required government course. Teaching Legislative Semester has completely changed that. It is such a wonderful feeling to have students talk about the course constantly, to have students looking forward to taking it this semester, to have students from last semester coming back and telling me how much they miss government and how much they learned, even asking if they can come to class during their study halls. Other teachers tell me students are talking about current issues all day in their classes and in the halls, counselors tell me what a positive experience students say that government was, and parents stop me at football games and school plays to say thank you because for the first time their kids talk about a class at home. ”
“I firmly believe that the Legislative Semester enables students to become effective citizens through its participatory and relevant style. After teaching American Government in both a traditional style and later with the Legislative Semester, I truly feel my students have a much more complex understanding of our own government structure and what their role within that structure is as a citizen. I could never return to teaching government any other way.”
“At a baseball game last week I overheard two students discussing a bill they had proposed last semester—now that is my definition of education! Your Legislative Semester has taught me more about schooling than all of my graduate courses.”
“I was impressed by the students’ excitement and commitment to their beliefs resulting in a legislative process that accurately and effectively helped students experience the responsibility of our legislators. The process helped students to examine their fundamental beliefs of right and wrong as they made decisions on potential laws. In short, students were excited enough to continue their discussions in the halls, in other classes, as well as before and after school. This level of commitment to a class was extraordinary and should serve as a model for other disciplines.”
“Mr. Arnold’s Legislative Semester has transformed the way our students think about learning and their government. This curriculum is one of the most motivating and exciting methods I have seen in my thirty years of teaching and administration. I recommend this curriculum to any high school that is looking for way to not only motivate but to get their students to actually learn and understand how their government works.”
“The Legislative Semester provides students with the longest sustained and engaged learning experience I have witnessed in 38 years of public education. Without formal observation, I was aware of the progress of the simulation as I would begin to receive more comments/complaints from other teachers and department chairs about students working on their legislation in math, science, English, etc. Cafeteria supervisors and hall monitors would rather frequently report on the heated debates that would carry over to the lunchroom or the hallways. The occasional tears and the emotion choked voices were the most obvious indicators of the depth and personal engagement students in the program experienced. The Legislative Semester is the capstone course and experience in the Social Studies Department at Community High School. It provides students with a rich culminating experience that incorporates the use of technology in a setting that is designed to utilize learning theory supported by current research.”