Research Findings
The Legislative Semester has been the subject of academic research by Diana Hess, Dean of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Paula McAvoy, of North Carolina State University, and Brett Levy (State University of New York at Albany). In addition, two graduates students wrote their dissertations on the program.
“Compared to students in an AP government course, students in the Legislative Semester experienced greater gains in their open mindedness, expected future political participation, external political efficacy.”
“None of the programs studied by other researchers blended the essential elements of political analysis, organization, participation and action, together (as did the Legislative Semester).”
“Students in the Legislative Semester program became more politically engaged and open-minded than students in the traditional government course. Whereas studying and exploring various political issues was especially helpful for the development of political engagement, considering diverse political perspectives in an open classroom environment was helpful for the development of political open-mindedness.”
Levy, Brett L M, Annaly Babb-Guerra, Wolf Owczarek, and Lena M Batt. “Can Education Reduce Political Polarization?: Fostering Open-Minded Political Engagement during the Legislative Semester,” Educational Theory and Practice Faculty Scholarship 29 (2019).
Levy, Dacus, and Smirnov “A Mixed Methods Comparison of Two Civic Education Models: Legislative Semester and A.P. Government Courses” AERA 2018
The Political Classroom: Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education (2014) Book by Diana Hess and Paula McAvoy
McAvoy, Paula, and Diana Hess. “Classroom Deliberation in an Era of Political Polarization.” Curriculum Inquiry 43, no. 1 (January 2013): 14–47.
No Excuses: Eleven Schools and Districts that Make Preparing Students for Citizenship a Priority, and How Others Can Do It, Too, (2010) The Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools
Controversy in the Classroom: the Democratic Power of Discussion, (2009) Book by Diana Hess
"Simulated Citizen: How Students Experienced a Semester Length Legislative Simulation,” Dissertation by Louis Ganzler, PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, UW Madison (2010)
"Examining High School Students' Patterns of Visible Participation in a Political Community of Learners,” Dissertation by Todd Reimer, PhD in Learning Sciences, Northwestern University (2003)
“...I saw 200 high school seniors do something that the literature in political education told me was lamentably rare: youth enthusiastically and skillfully debating public policy... students were engaged, they were in charge, and they were participating in precisely the kind of activities that experts in democracy education have been publicly advocating for the last decade.”
Brett Levy’s Findings
University Professor Brett Levy’s research provides evidence that students engaged in the Legislative Semester became more politically engaged and more politically opened-minded than students in a traditional government courses, or AP Government courses. Listen to Dr. Levy discuss his findings.
Hess and McAvoy: Best Practice Discussion
In The Political Classroom, Hess and McAvoy begin with the premise that "Teaching students to deliberate political issues is an important element of democratic education" (6). The Legislative Semester is centered on deliberation of current controversies, and Hess and McAvoy's text uses the simulation as a case study exemplifying what the authors term Best Practice Discussion. Classes that fall into this category are those where at least 20% of class time is spent on discussion of controversial political issues, and where discussions are characterized by extensive student-to-student interaction, advance preparation, and broad participation (47). The study included eleven teachers whose classes were rated Best Practice Discussion, three of whom were using the Legislative Semester curriculum. In addition, the sample includes seven teachers who used some discussion, and seven who used a more traditional lecture style.
In discussing the Legislative Semester specifically, Hess and McAvoy state that, "The way in which students are learning how to be politically engaged [in the Legislative Semester] is unlike anything else we saw in other schools participating in the study” (87). They are especially drawn to the focus placed on inclusive participation by the teachers, and the way that the structure of the curriculum supports inclusivity. They point out that teachers use the first weeks of school to teach "with and for discussion," meaning that students are learning both how to engage in controversial issues deliberation using parliamentary procedure and civil discourse, but that they are also learning content related to the political spectrum, the Bill of Rights, and the foundations of American Government. The rigid structure of parliamentary procedure is one of the critical elements of the curriculum that promotes inclusivity because all members of the class have an equal opportunity to speak and are guaranteed uninterrupted time to explain their ideas when they hold the floor. Further, Hess and McAvoy note that because all students need to learn these new rules of discussion, opportunities to participate are equalized. In follow up interviews "nearly every student interviewed spoke about being interested in learning about the diversity of views [among their classmates]" (105).
The Legislative Semester is uniquely able to engage students in political discussion outside the classroom. Even compared to other Best Practice Discussion classrooms, students who had used this curriculum were more likely to report engaging in political talk with friends and family outside of school (99).
Ganzler: Engagement and Political Polarization
Researchers have investigated how participation in the Legislative Semester impacts the political engagement of participants. Some of the key findings relate to both political engagement and more general academic engagement.
"Perhaps most significantly, the enhanced political engagement reported by the students who were enrolled in the Legislative Semester was widespread. Students not previously interested in politics reported dramatically increased levels of interest in politics at the end of the semester. Since the main gap in voting rates is between those who attend college and those who do not, the increased level of political engagement among students regardless of academic achievement is encouraging. This simulation then, potentially offers a pathway to increased political engagement for all students, including those who will not attend college" (Ganzler 189).
Ganzler found that for students, "The Legislative Simulation increased both their interest in polices, as well as their sense of internal efficacy. Research of programs by Kahne and Westheimer did not produce these results" (Ganzler 168).
"Civic education programs that increase students’ internal efficacy as well as political engagement are rare. Educators interested in promoting both types of citizenship outcomes may want to consider using this simulation” (Ganzler 192).
In an era of increased polarization both among legislators and the electorate, schools can play a role in encouraging students to reevaluate their beliefs through deliberation rather than interacting only with those who are likeminded. Research on polarization indicates that polarization increases when people are exposed only to views of those they already agree with.
"This study challenged findings by Campbell (2005) which pointed to diminished opportunities for political conflict in racially heterogeneous classrooms. The students in this study attended a racially heterogeneous high school, and were able to participate in daily activities that were predicated on political conflict. Both the students and the teachers were able to do this because of the structured nature of the simulation" (Ganzler 190).