Get Started
It may seem daunting to imagine adopting a comprehensive semester-long curriculum like the Legislative Semester. Don’t despair! Although some schools have successfully implemented the entire program at once, it is also possible to adopt in phases, or to utilize only some elements of the program. Every page in each option is a downloadable document ready for you to use in your classroom. For more information about each element of the course, see the Curriculum page.
Option 1: Classroom Deliberation
Best for individual teachers interested in a more interactive and experiential style of teaching, or schools which find the Legislative Semester appealing but would like to explore it first without committing to the full program.
Individual teachers can incorporate one of the core features of the Legislative Semester into their previously established program of teaching. The first part of every semester is devoted to the exploration of current controversial public policy issues using classroom deliberation. The main goals are to provide opportunities for students to:
explore current controversies and develop their own opinions on issues.
provide frequent and authentic opportunities to articulate their ideas and support their opinions with evidence and reasons.
express their ideas using civil discourse while listening to and respecting the varied opinions of others.
learn about the foundations of American Government through the lens of live policy debates.
Parliamentary procedure is used to structure discussions and gives students an authentic experience in using the formal rules that govern public bodies. This method helps to facilitate a controlled environment that promotes equal participation in the discussion of controversial issues. In the current political environment of increased polarization and vitriolic rhetoric, teachers who may be nervous about bringing up issues like immigration policy, race, abortion rights or gun control, find the use of the formal structures of parliamentary procedure helpful. The supporting materials provide guidance for implementing parliamentary procedure as well as other aspects of classroom deliberation.
Option 2: Classroom Deliberation, Bill Writing, and Committee Hearings
View the full curriculum
Best for individual teachers or teams of teachers interested in devoting a full quarter of their class to an authentic, experiential and student led curriculum. This is the next step for teachers who have experimented with Classroom Deliberation and would like to further involve students in experiencing the legislative process.
After devoting significant time exploring current controversial issues and becoming comfortable with the intricacies of parliamentary procedure, students identify a problem which concerns them and form small groups to research that issue with the goal of writing a bill. The bill writing process presents an opportunity for extensive research and authentic problem solving. Students also gain valuable experience collaborating with their peers, coming to a consensus on the content of the bill, and writing a position paper that lays out a concise argument for their policy position. For the culminating event, students from each of the class sections involved in the program come together to form multiple committees which debate and vote on legislation as they experience the environment of a full day Committee Hearing. Committees are chaired by students who use the skills they have developed through classroom deliberation to give each bill a fair hearing while offering a platform for equitable participation to all students.
Option 3: The Full Legislative Semester
The Option 3 curriculum is being revised to reflect the current political climate. For now, the link above repeats sections 1-7 of the curriculum in Option 2 and adds the extra information needed to run a semester long program. The completed version of Option 3 will be available January 2021.
Best for an individual or teams of teachers who are ready to dive into a semester long legislative simulation, coordinating the events of the semester between several class sections.
Option 3 utilizes the entire Option 2 Curriculum, but adds two dynamic features which serves to expand student understanding of the democratic process and additionally raises to a new level students growing sense of empowerment which has been evolving since the early weeks of the program The first feature is the introduction into the curriculum of leadership positions related specifically to the Full Session. The second feature is the Full Session which replicates with a great deal of authenticity how Congress and State Assemblies function. Adding these two elements to the Option 2 curriculum will allow your school to fully enact the legislative process from start to finish, by creating a fully functioning legislature complete with a Speaker of the House, and leadership of the majority and minority parties.